Monday, 30 July 2007

Night out but then work!

So friday night was my night out in Staines with Nicole. In the end I decided to drive because it would be so much easier than trying to work the buses out. This of course meant that I couldn't drink very much. We met some interesting (strange) people but it was a great night overall.

Saturday and sunday I was working. And it was Anitta in charge both days. Funny though out of the 4 others working, 3 of us don't like Anitta. But work was fine there was a fire alarm on sunday which was probably due to the canteen burning food.

Today Karen was back which was nice and she has sorted it so that I have 29th Aug off work. Yay! This means that Siona, Jemma, Holly and Sarah can come and visit. We are planning to go to Thorpe Park which will be lots of fun. Other than another fire alarm nothing happened.

Tuesday and Wednesday are my days off this week and on wednesday there is a party at Madame Tussauds which a group of us at work are planning on going to. Really excited about this.

Friday, 27 July 2007

Still training....

Well work has been pretty good this week until yesterday. I haven't really made any mistakes and working quite hard even though i'm not well at the moment. But then yesterday Anitta was working again. So of course the balance was wrong because she did something stupid. There were also lots of people working so we finished really early. So Anitta went through how my training was going. So for some reason she thinks that I can't give change and that I can't do the balance. This is probably because it went a bit wrong on monday but since then its been fine. And about the change. I haven't had any problems with that but then she is the reason why the trolley balance went up. Shouldn't she still be training then. Anyway next week I will meet with Karen who is the manager and hopefully get my dream ticket so I can go to the parks and attractions.

Anyway today is my day off and tonight i'm going out.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Back to Work!

After a week off it's been nice to go back to work and see everyone again. Anitta worked yesterday which made it not so good because its partly the way she says things that you've done wrong and it seems like she talks down to everyone. Also she makes a lot of mistakes which mean that it takes longer. Now I know everyone makes mistakes and I have made them too but its because she rushes around trying to do everything at once. Rant over. Also yesterday on the way home from work I ran over something in the road and it caused a puncture. So the RAC had to come and change the tyre. Now I can only go 50 mph until I get the tyre repaired.

Today was alright. It was pretty quiet and I got to go home early. I have got a bit of a cold at the moment which isnt great but it could be worse. Also I got an email from yummy jobs asking if I want my email address passed onto the other travelling to Disney in october. Of course I said yes because it would be good to speak to the other going.

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Graduation Week!

This week has been good. I've had the week of work so on sunday I drove back to Cambridge. Then on monday I went shopping at Lakeside which was great. I spent lots in the sales though. In the evening I went out to Vodka Revolution in Cambridge. It's really nice to have a good bar in Cambridge now. But I drank a bit too much and was hungover on tuesday. This wasn't good since me and my parents were driving up to Sheffield that day. After feeling sick the whole way to Sheffield we arrived and I picked up my gown and hat. Then in the evening we went to No.1 oriental buffet which was yummy.

Wednesday was my graduation day. The ceremony started at 9:30am but we had to be there early to sit down. It was alright. I didn't trip on my stage but my hand were sore afterwards from all the clapping. Then we went to Interval for a drink with Clare's family but missed the group photo. We weren't the only ones though. But we went over to Firth Court for the buffet lunch and the presentation of the prizes ceremony. Debbie won a prize and Pete won most of the rest. After that my parents dropped me off at John and Jemmas flat.

On thursday we went out for John's birthday to BB's restuarant. It's an italian where you can bring your own wine. The pasta was good but the baileys cheesecake dessert was gorgeous. Then we went for some drinks before going to the union. We didn't stay that late because we were tired. On friday I got the train home but my train was delayed so it took an hour longer than it should have done.

Bad news on thursday was that my car failed it MOT and its not worth repairing it apparently so I don't have a car anymore :(

So now the group doing the same disney program as me are out in Orlando. I haven't heard that much from them but they have been placed in the Treehouses and Chatham. This is a bit strange because I didn't think that people would be put in the treehouses but I guess I don't really mind staying there again.

Friday, 13 July 2007

Friday the 13th!

It's been a good week with going to the cinema on wednesday with Jessie, Cat and Omar for orange wednesdays. But Shrek 3 was not good.

Yesterday was my day off and for once I did lots. I went shopping in Kingston which was nice although the shops in Kingston could be better. I also made brownies which are so yummy.

Today was friday the 13th so I was expecting something to go wrong. But nothing major did. There was a fire alarm in the morning and the coin sorter broke for a bit but it could have been worse.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Why does something always go wrong!

Well its been pretty busy at work but thats usually been because something goes wrong. Yesterday when the pods came down from admissions they weren't all labelled. One also got stuck so we were missing money. Today was fine nothing too bad happened. The pod that got stuck yesterday became unstuck so that was good.

As for disney, yesterday I got an email from disney international recruitment welcoming me which was nice. There was nothing really new in the email but they said they would be contacting me again soon.

Tomorrow is my day off yay!

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Disaster night out!

So i've mainly just been working but last night me, Jesse and Cat went out in Camden. Of course we started off by drinking at home and on the train. Everything was going well and we went to a couple of pubs. Next we went to Barfly which was really cool until Jesse got very very wasted. So we got chucked out and while we were sitting on the steps outside someone opened the door onto my finger and it bleed a lot. It still hurts now but it's much better. Once my finger was sorted we decided that we should go home. Since me and Cat didnt know where we were we decided to get a taxi. It's scary though because while we were waiting for a taxi unlicensed taxi kept stopping. Adam thought it would be alright but in the end we got a black cab. It was so expensive though £64!

Finally we were home in the early hours of the morning. Unfortunately I was working so I got about 2 hours sleep. I was so tired today at work but I drank red bull to keep me awake. It was such a busy day at work today because saturday was so nice and sunny. We also had a fire alarm go off which meant that we were even further behind. Anyway it is now bedtime and i'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Also I got paid today so now I have some money although not enough. Unfortunately I only got paid until the end of june so it's not much but is still exciting.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Back home for a couple of days!

Work hasn't been particularly interesting except on saturday the admissions department sent pods down with too much money in them so that we couldn't get the money out. In the end Dhara was using pliers and I was holding to pod so that it looked like we were pulling a cracker.

So on sunday I drove back to Cambridge but got stuck in a huge traffic jam. The journey took twice as long as it should have. But it's good to be back and see everyone. Me and Row went to see Oceans 13 at the cinema which was good. And last night I went to the Pub which was so nice because of the smoking ban.

As for disney I sent my forms back and they have recieved them. I also phoned Disney about my social security number and found out that I never got one because there were so many people arriving they didnt have enough time to process them all. This means that I will have to wait to get my tax back though. Also its now only 3 months until I leave for Disney.