Monday, 6 August 2007

Not good :(

Yesterday was another busy day. It was really hot so the park was really busy. At midday we tried to balance and it went very wrong. I was counting the trolley but people kept coming in for change. This meant it went wrong. So when Karen came to ask if it balanced then I asked if I should start again. She said I don't think you are taking this seriously. Go to lunch. This really annoyed me because of course I take it seriously and to be fair I didn't know at the time how wrong we were. So I stormed out and went to lunch. I'm sure she probably thought that I was to blame for it being wrong. But when we came back from lunch she was back to being normal which I thought was really weird. So I was happy when me and Nicole went to do cash lifts. It was so nice to be out of the office. Anyway Una had called in sick so we were missing a person which didn't help.

Today I woke up at 3am with really swollen glands. I was worried that it was mumps but I don't think it is anymore. It was really painful and I couldn't eat. Luckily through the day my glands have gone down and i'm feeling better now. However I did find out that Una was fired today. Apparently her paperwork was illegal and she's not allowed to work in this country. It was a bit of a suprise and means that we will be one person short and very busy for the rest of august.

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