Tuesday 19 June 2007

First few days!

I had my first day yesterday and was very pleased to find that the drive is only half an hour even though I got lost. I was trained by Anita who probably isn't the best trainer in the world but anyway it was nice to meet everyone. I learnt lots but spent most of the morning using the coin sorter. This takes a long time and is very boring. But then I learnt about making floats and making sure everything balances. We went on lunch to the canteen and then had more money to sort out when we got back.

Today was pretty much the same although there were less coins to sort so that was good. It's still boring but Nicole was working today. I met Nicole on my induction day and we get on well and it was nice to have someone nearer my age to talk to. I learnt some new things today but I was mainly left on my own. I'm still sort of doing the jobs that no one else wants to do but i'm sure it'll get better.

As for disney...... I have found out that I need to ring disney to find out my social security number and hopefully I will be able to book my flight soon. I should get paid in the middle of July so I will try to book it soon. I just hope the prices aren't too high.

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