Saturday 23 June 2007

Power cut chaos!

Yesterday was my day off and I didn't really do much. It rained most of the day which was so annoying. So yesterday was boring but today was very exciting. It started off normally. I learnt a few new things but then after lunch there was a power cut in the whole of thorpe park and in staines and chertsey as well. There is some safety lighting in the cash office but its a bit dim and there was no light in the safe which meant we had to use torches to put everything away. Over the radio we could hear that there was chaos in the park with people being stuck on rides etc. So they decided to evacuate the park. This meant getting around 8,000 people out of the park at once. This took about 1-2 hours overall but instead of helping we decided to hide in the cash office. That was until the fire alarm went off so the had to go outside. Eventually we went back inside and could hear over the radio that outside the gates there was fighting and a bus window had been smashed. The police were called to try to sort everything out. At about 4 we decided to go home since there wasn't anything we could do until the power came back on. When we got outside there were so many people around waiting for buses and a queue of cars waiting to leave. I gave Nicole a lift home because she would have been waiting for ages for the bus. Overal its been a very eventful day and i'm exhausted.

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