Tuesday 3 July 2007

Back home for a couple of days!

Work hasn't been particularly interesting except on saturday the admissions department sent pods down with too much money in them so that we couldn't get the money out. In the end Dhara was using pliers and I was holding to pod so that it looked like we were pulling a cracker.

So on sunday I drove back to Cambridge but got stuck in a huge traffic jam. The journey took twice as long as it should have. But it's good to be back and see everyone. Me and Row went to see Oceans 13 at the cinema which was good. And last night I went to the Pub which was so nice because of the smoking ban.

As for disney I sent my forms back and they have recieved them. I also phoned Disney about my social security number and found out that I never got one because there were so many people arriving they didnt have enough time to process them all. This means that I will have to wait to get my tax back though. Also its now only 3 months until I leave for Disney.

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