Sunday 8 July 2007

Disaster night out!

So i've mainly just been working but last night me, Jesse and Cat went out in Camden. Of course we started off by drinking at home and on the train. Everything was going well and we went to a couple of pubs. Next we went to Barfly which was really cool until Jesse got very very wasted. So we got chucked out and while we were sitting on the steps outside someone opened the door onto my finger and it bleed a lot. It still hurts now but it's much better. Once my finger was sorted we decided that we should go home. Since me and Cat didnt know where we were we decided to get a taxi. It's scary though because while we were waiting for a taxi unlicensed taxi kept stopping. Adam thought it would be alright but in the end we got a black cab. It was so expensive though £64!

Finally we were home in the early hours of the morning. Unfortunately I was working so I got about 2 hours sleep. I was so tired today at work but I drank red bull to keep me awake. It was such a busy day at work today because saturday was so nice and sunny. We also had a fire alarm go off which meant that we were even further behind. Anyway it is now bedtime and i'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Also I got paid today so now I have some money although not enough. Unfortunately I only got paid until the end of june so it's not much but is still exciting.

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