Friday 27 July 2007

Still training....

Well work has been pretty good this week until yesterday. I haven't really made any mistakes and working quite hard even though i'm not well at the moment. But then yesterday Anitta was working again. So of course the balance was wrong because she did something stupid. There were also lots of people working so we finished really early. So Anitta went through how my training was going. So for some reason she thinks that I can't give change and that I can't do the balance. This is probably because it went a bit wrong on monday but since then its been fine. And about the change. I haven't had any problems with that but then she is the reason why the trolley balance went up. Shouldn't she still be training then. Anyway next week I will meet with Karen who is the manager and hopefully get my dream ticket so I can go to the parks and attractions.

Anyway today is my day off and tonight i'm going out.

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