Saturday 21 July 2007

Graduation Week!

This week has been good. I've had the week of work so on sunday I drove back to Cambridge. Then on monday I went shopping at Lakeside which was great. I spent lots in the sales though. In the evening I went out to Vodka Revolution in Cambridge. It's really nice to have a good bar in Cambridge now. But I drank a bit too much and was hungover on tuesday. This wasn't good since me and my parents were driving up to Sheffield that day. After feeling sick the whole way to Sheffield we arrived and I picked up my gown and hat. Then in the evening we went to No.1 oriental buffet which was yummy.

Wednesday was my graduation day. The ceremony started at 9:30am but we had to be there early to sit down. It was alright. I didn't trip on my stage but my hand were sore afterwards from all the clapping. Then we went to Interval for a drink with Clare's family but missed the group photo. We weren't the only ones though. But we went over to Firth Court for the buffet lunch and the presentation of the prizes ceremony. Debbie won a prize and Pete won most of the rest. After that my parents dropped me off at John and Jemmas flat.

On thursday we went out for John's birthday to BB's restuarant. It's an italian where you can bring your own wine. The pasta was good but the baileys cheesecake dessert was gorgeous. Then we went for some drinks before going to the union. We didn't stay that late because we were tired. On friday I got the train home but my train was delayed so it took an hour longer than it should have done.

Bad news on thursday was that my car failed it MOT and its not worth repairing it apparently so I don't have a car anymore :(

So now the group doing the same disney program as me are out in Orlando. I haven't heard that much from them but they have been placed in the Treehouses and Chatham. This is a bit strange because I didn't think that people would be put in the treehouses but I guess I don't really mind staying there again.

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