Monday 30 July 2007

Night out but then work!

So friday night was my night out in Staines with Nicole. In the end I decided to drive because it would be so much easier than trying to work the buses out. This of course meant that I couldn't drink very much. We met some interesting (strange) people but it was a great night overall.

Saturday and sunday I was working. And it was Anitta in charge both days. Funny though out of the 4 others working, 3 of us don't like Anitta. But work was fine there was a fire alarm on sunday which was probably due to the canteen burning food.

Today Karen was back which was nice and she has sorted it so that I have 29th Aug off work. Yay! This means that Siona, Jemma, Holly and Sarah can come and visit. We are planning to go to Thorpe Park which will be lots of fun. Other than another fire alarm nothing happened.

Tuesday and Wednesday are my days off this week and on wednesday there is a party at Madame Tussauds which a group of us at work are planning on going to. Really excited about this.

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