Thursday 2 August 2007

Madame Tussauds!

After 2 days of from work I was really excited about going to Madame Tussauds with everyone from work. So I walked to the train station which took longer than I thought it would so I missed the first train. It didn't really matter though because I got to Waterloo half an hour before everyone else. So once they arrive we got on the tube to madame tussauds. It was Nicoles first time in London and with it being rush hour she was not impressed. But once we got there it was so much fun. Me, Nicole and Robert went in their version of the big brother diary room. This was so much fun although really embarassing because they made us do the YMCA. There were lots of new wax works since I hadn't been for about 7 years. After that it was the torture/dungeon section. Most of us except Dhara and Robert went throught the live show which involved lots of people jumping out at us in a dark room and running after us. It was so scary but funny at the same time. I don't think I would go in there again. Then we went into the part which used to be the planetarium and now they show a little film which is meant for kids but was alright. After another room of waxworks we left and went to weatherspoons for some food. Then it was time to go home after a wonderful night.

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